Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Can You Whistle?

Can you whistle? 
Can you whistle like this? 

I don't have a picture of my little girl today--I left without my camera.  This little girls sure is a sweetie, isn't she?  I hope she doesn't mind being famous today.

We took our dog down to the School Forest early, early this morning.  First my little sweetie made a whistle from grass.  Then she stopped and grabbed an acorn.  "Listen, Mommy."  Wow!  She about blew out my ears.  Talk about shrill!  Who would have thought?  She thought it would be a good wake-up alarm when we got back to the house.

Can you whistle?

Can you whistle like this?

We Three Girls...cannot all do this, but one can...quite well!

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